This information below was found on Pedigree Database about Ingo:
Ingo vom Rudingen was an outstanding producer of East German Border Patrol dogs and his
name can be found in the pedigrees of many present day working shepherds through his progeny Held v. Ritterberg, Jeff v. Flämings-Sand,
Xanto v.d. Gundorfer Höhe, Viktor v.d. Edelquelle & Robby v. Glockeneck. Ingo vastly improved pigmentation and working
abilities within the German Shepherd Breed as a whole and produced many fine working shepherds Kör: Medium-size, medium-strong male with a good head and expression. Very good top-line, harmonious and pleasing outline
with good bone and muscular system. The appearance is determined by good structural proportions, firmness, pronounced pigmentation,
correct stand and angulation of the limbs. While trotting he covers ground well, shows good tension and balance. His type
is outstanding. Sound and balanced temperament with sufficient sharpness, hardness and courage. V 3 - DDR-Siegerausstellung 1977 V 3 - DDR-Siegerausstellung 1978 V 4 - DDR-Siegerausstellung 1979
Wendy's dam is Gitti vom Sandokan (Ost) SchH 1 HD/A-Normal (a1) from the same
kennel she was produced at. Sandokan has been breeding German Shepherds for 25 years in Germany. To see the website that produced
Wendy click here, You will also see several pups produced from Wendy on this website.
Knapp mittelgroß, ausreichend gehaltvoll, gut pigmentiert. Gerader Rücken, kurze Kruppe. Kurze Unterbrust,
in der Front zehenweiter Stand, im Ellenbogen nicht gefestigt. Normale Winkelungen der Vorhand, gute Hinterhandwinkelung.
Noch guter Nachschub, Vortritt stark gebunden. TSB ausgeprägt; läßt ab.
Alaskas Working German Shepherd Pups!! Breeding Goals Production of dogs
for service jobs and high level sport competition. Special attention on hard working temperament. Genetically full and crushing
bite. High prey fight and hunt drives. ...