Brigitte & Austin SchI,BH, A, TC, AD, |
Welcome to Alaska Dog Boarding & Training, Inc founded and operated by life
time Alaskans Shaun and Brigitte Lytle. It is our goal to provide a service for dogs and their owners, specializing primarily,
but not limited to large working breeds. We operate a small indoor-outdoor boarding kennel, and training facility. We focus
on quality individual time with our clients and their dogs. We specialize in German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers,
Belgian Malinois, American Bull Dogs, and Alaskan Huskies. All of these breeds we have owned, raised, trained, to advanced
levels of obedience and or working ability. We have found working dogs to be intelligent, strong powerful animals with a will
to work. Some dogs if they are not taught some obedience and structure they can be difficult to live with. We offer our services
to train dogs for owners who do not know how or have time to train themselves. We also offer our services to teach you how
to train your own dogs, should that be your goal. We are here to help individuals with dogs that have behavior problems that
owners would like to modify to make their pet more suitable to their lifestyle.
We have found it most important that after you and your dog have learned the fundamentals
that you also learn how to maintain what you have learned. The old saying “Use it (or) Loose it” so we offer you
several weeks following your instruction period to train with us.
We are both members in good standing of “United Schutzhund Club of America," “German
Shepherd Rescue," "United States Rottweiler Club," “Hundesport Alaska,” "Cook Inlet Kennel Club," and “Great
Northern Rottweiler Club." We have specialized training in: Sensory abilities of the dog, applied dog behavior, testing and
selection of dogs, canine equipment, and training through play, behavior problems, and basic veterinary issues. Currently
under going continued studies in hunting training, agility, assistance dogs, search and rescue training.
We greatly appreciate you entrusting your dogs care and wellbeing in our hands. For
your dog's home away from home please call us at Alaska Dog Boarding & Training, Inc.
Shaun & Brigitte
~More About Us As Breeders!!~
Shaun working with Precious BST, BH, TC |