Step 1. Decide on a litter that will provide you with the
type of puppy you want. We highly recommend you contact us and let us know what you are seeking so that we can help you in
finding a great companion for you.
Step 2. Once you know the litter you would like a puppy from, you can go
to our purchase request form as well as our guarantee and send them to us once you have read them and signed them.. Before sending the purchase request form, you need to review our purchase agreement that you will be sent once you are approved. This will need to be signed before
your puppy will be sent to you. If you are not willing to sign the purchase agreement once the puppies are whelped, then do not send in the purchase request form. AND guarantee page. You can also at this time send a non-refundable $300 USD deposit. If you
would like to send a deposit via paypal, send to through the link below.
You may make a $300 deposit for your new German Shepherd Pup Now!
The Fast and Easy Way!!
Step 3. When ADBT receives your purchase request form, we will send you an actual contract that will need to be signed. This will get sent as soon as the puppies are whelped and
we know we have what you are seeking.
Step 4. Further communication to make sure we select the
proper puppy for what you are seeking will be ongoing. If possible depending on your pick in the litter and the puppies available,
you may have options on what puppy you could get. In this event, we will inform you of your options. Most of the time we select
the puppy for the buyer because we are looking to match the best puppy for each buyer. We also name the puppies in every litter.
5. Final payment needs to come in by the time the puppy is 6 weeks old if possible so that we for sure have full payment prior
to the puppy being shipped. If you need the puppy shipped it is very important to remember there will be an additional expense
of approx. $400 USD. This cost includes; Crate, Vet Health Certificate, Transport to Anchorage International Airport and the
Actual Shipping Cost with the best airline to serve you.
Step 6. Scheduling the shipment of your
puppy and then shipping you your new puppy!!! Your puppies AKC registration, health record, etc. will be mailed to you in
a puppy packet made specifically for your puppy.
Step 7. Once you have your new family member, you will need
to take your puppy to your veterinarian within 3 working days. We require this to insure that any health issues that the puppy
may have are addressed immediately. We do everything possible to make sure you get a healthy and well socialized puppy. We
want you to take it to a vet you trust so you know you got a healthy puppy.
Thank You for selecting ADBT to be your German Shepherd Breeder! We will do everything
in our control, power to provide you with the best dog for you and your Families needs.

Shaun and Brigitte working Othello Jan. 2009!
You may pay for your pup or dog by using pay pal. Pay pal also
accepts credit cards and is a safe and fast way to pay online.
Pay only the amount agreed by The
Lytle's and you the buyer.