This litter is SOLD!
SOLD - Male - Lynne - California SOLD -
Male - Aubrie - North Carolina
SOLD - Male -
Jesse & Denise - Graham, WA Female
- Klatolklin/Lytle's K9 SOLD - Female - Mike & Chrissy - Fairbanks, AK
SOLD - Female - Shea - Mexico
Hunter Lytle vom Klatolklin
Dear Shaun and Brigitte, I couldn't
be happier with him. He has the best personality and is fearless. The cat got the shock of her life when she met him. She
tried to pop him and instead of running away like Vika he went towards her and started barking. She ended up running. It is
about time the cat was put in her place! Right now Hunter is in his crate sleeping. He had a busy day- ragwork and playing
with another puppy. The vet gave him a clean bill of health. Tuesday he will get his next booster. Aubrie (Clinton, NC)
Aubrie Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!
Hi guys, Hemi is doing great! She is a super companion. I am having
a blast with her, training her to be tri-lingual: English, German and hand signs. She has quite a sense of humor too. She
does many things just to make me laugh. Thanks for the best dog I've ever had! I hope next summer we can visit and possibly
train a little with you.
Hemi is out of Inka/Zeppe
As you can see, she's a real ham, loves having pictures taken. "Pretty girl and New Chair
owner" our most up to date pix of the Heminator....or MayHem...or the beast (depends on how she is acting). I've decided
she'll make a nice throw rug. (She's so smart and sweet but she loves to POKE me awake with that freezing cold wet nose on
Have a great holiday.
Hawk Lytle vom Klatolklin
Hawk was sold to a Schutzhund Family in Boston!
Homer Lytle vom Klatolklin
Homer is SOLD to a Competition Schutzhund Home in Washington!!
Thank you for Photos of Homer(Yukon)!!
Healy Lytle vom Klatolklin
Healy ("Hawk") Lytle vom Klatolklin
This family loved the name "Hawk" so that is Healy's
Call name.
Healy (Hawk) Is in training in a Competition Schutzhund
More photos of Hope after the Alaska State Fair..
5 Weeks!!!
More 5 week old photos at bottom of PAGE.
We expect strong and powerful puppies from this breeding.
The pups will be linebred to a very influential dog Ajo Ja-Kra. Two very well known lines come down from this great
producer. Both of those bloodlines are represented in this litter.
On Zeppe's side we have 1997 FCI World Champion Erika Mat-Roz who is a grand
daughter of Ajo Ja-Kra. Erika also competed in the WUSV World Championships twice. She is a super working bitch
that could also pass on the great working traits to her progeny. Zeppe is also the grand son to 3 x World Champion Orry
vh Antverpa.
On Inka's side we have Cordon An-Sat twice. Cordon was considered by many in the Czech Republic
and Slovakia to be the best ever producer of police dogs. Inka is linebred on Cordon 2-3. Cordon is a grand son
of Ajo Ja-Kra. Inka is a Tom z PS daughter. Tom produced the second most progeny to compete in the 2004 WUSV World
So you can see with
this litter, we are bringing together two very strong working lines of proven workers and producers. Both these lines
going back to Ajo Ja-Kra which this litter is linebred on 5-5,(6).
While we do have some serious linebreeding, we are also able to bring in very different bloodlines
as well to produce a genetically sound German Shepherd. These pups should have exceptional working ability with a serious
Puppies from this litter
are priced at just $800. If you consider that the sire is a SchH3, IPO3 Belgian import and the dam is a ZVV1 Czech import,
these puppies are a true bargain.
A $300 non-refundable deposit will reserve a puppy from this litter. We do not believe in the outrageous prices
that some charge for puppies. Puppies from this litter also come with the following.
FULL AKC Registration.
Our Guarantee.
FREE puppy program.
FREE 6 week puppy training class HERE in Palmer.
Lifetime support by two professional trainers as well as Klatolklin
Current Vaccinations.
Multiple Wormings.
Photo's Taken at 6 1/2 Weeks
Huslia Lytle vom Klatolklin (Hemi)
Congraulations to your family on Hemi!!
Sold to Chrissy & Mike in Fairbanks, Ak for Sport, Protection, Family Companion.
Just dropping a line to say how great Hemi is doing (from H litter)! She is an outstanding pup!!! She
is fearless, strong, smart, and fast (great quality shows). She is already house trained in less than 10 days with us. She
enjoys playing in the creek next to our home and absolutely does well in the truck. She and the cat and kids get along well.
We visited a family with many very young children and she was very gentle. Thank you for this great puppy! We'll send pictures
when we can. Mike and Chrissy, Fairbanks Ak
Hunter Lytle vom Klatolklin
Hunter is owned by Aubrie of North Carolina For
Sport, Family Companion & Possible Breeeding
Hawk Lytle vom Klatolklin
Hawk will be trained for police work then sold later.
Homer Lytle vom Klatolklin
For Sale For Protection
or Work!!
Healy Lytle vom Klatolklin
Hetta Lytle vom Klatolklin
Sold to Shea of Tijuana B.C. Mexico for
Sport, Protection, Possible Breeding Stock &
Police K9
Hope Lytle vom Klatolklin
Owned by Lytle’s/Klatolklin K-9 for Breeding, Sport and Working!